Gema Martinez-Garcia

Gema qualified as a nurse from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain back in 2003.

Since qualifying, Gema gained an extensive experience working in a wide variety of departments across different London hospitals and specialising in the field of haematology where she worked for four years.

Infection prevention and control has always been a main priority for Gema and her career started to take shape when she decided to join the Infection Prevention and Control team at Homerton University Hospital Foundation Trust in 2009 where she completed a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Infection Control by Hertfordshire University in 2013.

Part of her role as a clinical nurse specialist included leading on the surveillance of surgical site infections as well as covering the vascular access and OPAT departments for the Trust when required.

In June 2016 Gema completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Management in Healthcare by the Open University making the introduction of surgical site infection surveillance in Caesarean section her final project.

Gema is currently working as a senior infection control nurse specialist at University College of London Hospitals since February where her role has taken a more strategic and managerial turn helping the team to provide the best standards of care.

In her spare time Gema loves travelling and is a busy mum to a five year old that keeps her well entertained!

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